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Reflect what? We believe that we can only properly understand and assimilate things and information that we absorb on a daily basis, or as during such a course, if we reflect on them. And that is exactly what we are doing here when we create this portfolio and especially this exact page here. 


As part of this class, we were able to listen to six different guest lectures representing and giving us first-hand insights from all over the world. Sounds good? It definitely was!


Now it's your time to absorb our key take-aways for yourself too! Enjoy! :-)




As we have decided to wrap up all the guest lectures separately, we also wanted to wrap up the whole VIRTUAL STUDY TOUR. For us, it was the first time ever, that we had a virtual study tour and we did not really know, what we should expect from it. Of course, it was a big contrast compared to our study tour in Dubai and can not be compared with it. Still, we were positively surprised by the different guest lectures.

For sure, the big benefit from the virtual study tour was, that we were able to hear speakers with insights from experts all over the world. Especially in the last two years, the world has changed a lot. Therefore, for us, it was even more interesting to hear what is currently going on in tourism and in different countries. It gave us insights into how the touristic sector had to adapt to the current situation. What we will probably always remember is the Covid strategy of British Columbia, which had to be changed and adapted throughout the crisis. It remembered us, that you can always have a plan, but life is happening while you are planning. We believe that this does not only apply to management but also to study. More or less you can plan whatever you want but never forget to be flexible enough to change a plan and be open-minded to every incoming situation. Through the last months, so many tourism businesses had to adapt to the situation. Tourism is such a hybrid but also a sensitive industry. What we love the most about it, is that it is so international. It brings people together, not only travelers but also in a working situation. We also learned about the differences between Asian cultures and European ones but in the end, all of the differences do not count, because people that travel with all their hearts have much more in common than in difference.



For me personally I love when people inspire me and motivate me to rethink my thoughts. I am always curious about different cultures, people and what we can learn from them. 
What really inspired me was the “Malama” Hawaii concept – take a trip that gives back or leave a place better than it was before. For me, this is much more, than only a tourism concept. I think it is important in management and leadership as well. The Hawaii tourism concept motivates people to value the environment, to take care of it to make it bloom for a long time. For me this also works in management and leadership. If a leader values what people do, they will bloom on a long-term oriented base. For me this would be a sustainable way of working together. Because a well treatment of the environment does also include people for me.

Key Takeaway



Key Takeaway

As someone might already know me I love to take away new insights and learnings from every encounter I get. That's why I was curious that we got the chance to listen to such exciting and definitely new viewpoints from all over the world in this course. 

One learning I definitely want "to save forever" is the fact that I should question more things. Mr. Tauma said nowadays most tourism destinations/attractions are more or less created to what we - especially with a Western' perspective - expect them to be, but not how they actually are. I never thought about why I am able to eat for example Italian food in nearly every place I go - I just thought its normal. Guess what - it's not. Most places provide such offers because otherwise, people tend to argue why there is no such place to eat Italian Food (same as people often expect to get "German food" on every corner in Spain).  Why do we travel anyhow to experience "elsewhere" and then stick to our comfort zone and find ourselves again sitting in a Western restaurant? Crazy input which - to be honest - made me realize how western I am myself sometimes, even though I always thought I am totally open to "new" / other cultures. 

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